Monday, September 14, 2009

One of Those Days.....

It didn't start out as a bad day, mostly it was a usual Monday. After work I hit up the grocery store . Things were pretty much the usz. However, around the time the sun was setting, things went awry. I pulled into my underground parking spot and scraped my black car against the white concrete post. Lovely. Sigh. These things happen I say. At least it isn't dented. Still reeling from the car boo-boo, I absentmindedly dropped my groceries, breaking a jar of minced garlic and a jar of chili sauce. Sigh. Is it a full moon outside? An hour later I headed to my storage unit to grab a few things for my sister. As I was maneuvering the cart of things into the elevator, the cart jerked and my keys flew out of my hands....down the elevator shaft. I think I would have cried had I not been so flabbergasted. Lucky for me my neighbour was home and let me use her phone so I could call my parents, who have a spare key (I was locked out). After an hour of waiting in my condo lobby, looking like a complete dork, my sister arrived. "You know", I said to her, "I totally blame this on you. You wanted your things from the storage unit." Aren't I a doll? I called the BF as soon as I got into the condo. Hmm. "You didn't notice I was gone?" Sigh. He claims he thought I was just organizing the storage unit...for an hour!! Anyways, I'm back in my condo now, safe and sound. Thank goodness. However, the biggest tragedy of the night, I missed Gossip Girl. Thank God for tivo. ;)

Hope you had a good one and hoping I have a better one tomorrow!


Mo said...

Blaming family makes me feel better too. ;)

I'm glad you got back into your condo, and at least your scrape didn't involve another car! GG will make you feel better. xo

little luxury list said...

You poor thing. *Hug*
Stuff happens and it sucks. Think it's time for you to have some famous poutine now. Or that fabulous cheesecake pastry you photographed the other day.

Lena! said...

Ah, those days suck! Glad to hear you got back inside without too much trouble. And yes, GG is definitely a cure-all! How did we ever live without it?

Marie-Ève said...

Oh, those days suck... I have them too, I think we all do. hope your week gets better.

Sarah Groundwater said...

OH NO. OH NO. That sounds like my sort of day. My car has a BIG scratch on it from a similar post. And by big, I mean the size of my passenger door. And once in my storage unit I cut myself so bad I needed stitches! Also, why are boys so stupid?

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Ugh, I hate days like that. Thank goodness for TiVo!

Cyn said...

Ugh sounds like one thing after another. I hope your having a better day today :)

Brandy said...

Oh that sucks...well these things happen in 3's right? So it's all over!

very married said...

every time i walk by the subway grates i grip my keys a little tighter for that exact reason!

The Professional Bridesmaid said...

thanks everyone!
@Sarah - It's like we had matching days.
@chicncheap - I had a big fat bowl of ice cream. Felt so good.

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